Alexis Saulteaux
Serene Saulteaux Cree-ations
Working with stone, glass, bone, shell, 925 silver, S.S, alloy metals, various fabrics, and whatever else she can find, Alexis Saulteaux is a lifelong learner who embraces knowledge from all they cross paths with.
And Fuse33 Makerspace has been their home base the past few years.
“Fuse33 is a great supporter of who I am and what I am doing,” they say. “I feel like I can truly be myself with no one trying to make me feel as if I shouldn’t be here.”
Embracing the Space
Starting through a residency, they have embraced the space and used it to grow their business and their craft.
“I was volunteering for IAACC [International Avenue Arts and Culture Community] — thanks to Karen Begg from EAR [Elephant Artist Relief Society] for the volunteer call-out — in early 2023 at one of their casino fundraisers and I was beading in the back room in between chip runs when I met Kaylynn who mentioned the residency they offered with Fuse,” explains Alexis. “She said I should apply as it would be a good opportunity if I was accepted as I told her the mediums I had been working with — beading, sewing, resin work.
“My skills have grown here with the lasers and 3D printers, and my jewellery has evolved over time to reflect that and I feel like it has improved my confidence to be able to get out into the market world more and be able to maintain a presence.”
Community of Acceptance and Inclusion
A Calgary-born and raised Indigenous artist, their jewellery company Serene Saulteaux Cree-ations can be seen at many of the local craft and art fairs that take place around the city. They take inspiration by living close to the mountains as it helps them be at peace and reconnect with their culture.
Being a part of the Fuse33 community of makers, Alexis believes the supportive atmosphere has been pivotal to their growth as an artist.
“The community here fosters a great sense of acceptance and inclusion and I feel safe here to be able to explore the many great tools, and to be able to tap into the knowledge that is encompassed within the people and walls here. There has been nothing but support from the people here.”
As for why Fuse33 is so special, there’s so many reasons!
“It’s important to have a space like this as many people like myself have no way to get access to the great tools here from lack of space or money being a renter in the city, or for people who have retired and down-sized and lost the space for their tools,” says Alexis. “It is super important to give creative minds a space to meet and collaborate to try new ideas and help grow the arts community in YYC. We all grow by helping each other.
“It also gives people an opportunity to escape from their daily grind to be able to come here and make the ideas they have, or have seen on the internet or social media,” she continues.
And it’s not just about making.
“My favorite Fuse memory so far has to be my two furry friends here, Jinx and Xenia,” they say. “They bring joy to my life when I am here as I lost my dog a few years ago and have not gotten another one and I am an [animal] person to the core.
“My second favorite memory was being asked to do the shipping for Thunder Laser Canada, one of the companies that is run out of the space here. I fell in love with the lasers and I absolutely love learning so this space has been amazing for me and my professional and personal growth.”
The hustle and bustle of the community is another unique attribute of Fuse33. It is something Alexis attributes to the space’s co-founders.
“I appreciate Maria and Shannon for keeping the space alive in the midst of the chaos that is sometimes life at Fuse and I am grateful to have met them, and everyone here,” she says. “I have formed friendships here that I hope will last a lifetime! Thanks to all the amazingly talented people here, I feel like I am home.”
Follow Alexis on Instagram and Facebook to see more of their creations.