Featured Members
A look at our members creativity and innovation

We Love Our Members

Our members make Fuse33 a vibrant community by bringing diverse skills and passions into the shop.

This encourages collaborative learning, making Fuse33 a dynamic hub for makers of all backgrounds.

Why Collaboration

The sense of community at Fuse33 is boosted by the collaborative spirit of its members.

Through their enthusiasm, they create a thriving, innovative, and supportive community.

How To Join

Whether you’re interested in diving into a passion project or want to see what Fuse33 has to offer, this is your hub for all things maker.

Check out our membership details or book a tour!

A photo of Angel, Indigiqueer co-founders of Indi City.

Angel & Alex
Indi City

Angel is the Indigiqueer co-founder of Indi City, which creates culturally inspired jewellery for everyone to enjoy. In 2017, Angel became the first global Indigenous designer to incorporate wearable technology into traditional regalia. Through creating an authentic space for Indigenous fashion, Angel hopes to build meaningful representation, true allyship, and reconciliation through commerce.

In the beginning, Indi City was a creative endeavour telling traditional stories using only a small Instagram account. Now, they’ve amassed over 44k followers on Instagram and 10k on Facebook. Indi City is a rising star in the fashion world, having grown nationally with a newly launched online store and products in shops and boutiques across the country.

A Key Foundation

When Angel first arrived at Fuse33, cutting, making, and assembling all pieces by hand was a very time-consuming process. With the help of the Fuse33 team, Angel learned to use the laser cutter and associated software. This became a key foundation for their small-scale manufacturing, allowing them to create pieces much faster and with greater consistency and accuracy. Suddenly, they were able to keep up with growing demand and, as a result, started rapidly scaling.

“The proverb of teaching a man to fish fits nicely with Fuse33. The community empowers its members to reach their potential,” says Angel. “Fuse33 is the embodiment of ‘build it and they will come.’ They have built a fantastic community of creatives and makers. They are Calgary’s best kept secret.”

Through Fuse33’s community-based support, resources, and connections, Indi City’s production has leveled up, and their business reaches beyond the borders of Calgary.

Within a couple of short years, Angel went from a basic membership to opening their own studio location and showcasing their work at the upcoming New York Fashion Week. They continue to keep a membership at Fuse33 to efficiently manufacture their uniquely designed pieces and connect with the community.

Get your own piece by Indi City and learn more at indicity.shop.

Have an amazing project or an idea for a story? Tell us about it.