Featured Members
A look at our members creativity and innovation

We Love Our Members

Our members make Fuse33 a vibrant community by bringing diverse skills and passions into the shop.

This encourages collaborative learning, making Fuse33 a dynamic hub for makers of all backgrounds.

Why Collaboration

The sense of community at Fuse33 is boosted by the collaborative spirit of its members.

Through their enthusiasm, they create a thriving, innovative, and supportive community.

How To Join

Whether you’re interested in diving into a passion project or want to see what Fuse33 has to offer, this is your hub for all things maker.

Check out our membership details or book a tour!

Jamie & Kevin smile at the camera.

Jamie & Kevin
Rawry & Pohly

Jamie and Kevin are the artists behind Rawry & Pohly. Named after their childhood stuffed animals, Rawry & Pohly’s practice is centered on encouraging acts of play and reconnecting with one’s childhood through the lens of visual arts. Rawry & Pohly specialize in stylistic interpretations of modern pop art with elements of minimalism by utilizing mixed media on canvas, sculpture, and print.

They strive to create artwork that is accessible to the public. This means creating art that is immediately recognizable and meaningful to the viewer. Their recent focus in public art is on grassroots community art projects for under-served community members and areas.

Makers to Bounce Ideas Off Of

After being awarded a grant to create their first ever sculptures for igNIGHT: Illuminated in Fort McMurray, Jamie and Kevin were looking for a space to manufacture their art without having to spend the grant money on storage and project specific equipment alone. Through a Google search, they found Fuse33 and it was the perfect solution for them. Fuse33 offered them a place to fabricate without unnecessary expense and the opportunity to learn what tools were essential to their future endeavours, not to mention a community of makers to bounce ideas off of.

“There are no other spaces in the city with as many capabilities as Fuse33. It is truly the only place in Calgary of its kind,” they say. “Fuse33 allowed us to fabricate large sculpture works and take on projects we would have only dreamed of.”

More recently, Jamie and Kevin embarked on painting one of the largest murals in Calgary, located on 2nd Ave SW in Chinatown. The mural reimagines the iconic Chinese scroll painting Along The River During the Qingming Festival through the lens of Rawry & Pohly’s artistic style. Fuse33 helped make this project possible by facilitating a space where Rawry & Pohly was able to build its reputation and execute deliveries. As a result, Rawry & Pohly’s community reach increased tenfold through working with Fuse33, which allowed them to create large sculpture works and take on projects they only would have dreamed of.

“Our art journey has taken us many places, and has allowed us to meet so many amazing artists and creators.”

As a fabrication space, community, and educational centre, Fuse33 is an unmatched and valuable addition to the community. There are no other spaces in the city with as many resources as Fuse33, it is truly the only place in Calgary of its kind.

Learn more about Rawry & Pohly at rawryandpohly.carrd.co.

Have an amazing project or an idea for a story? Tell us about it.