Moose Hide Campaign Day
Walk to End Violence
Join us for the impactful Moose Hide Campaign Walk to End Violence on May 16, 2024!
In light of the troubling increase in domestic violence during the pandemic, the importance of spreading this crucial message has never been more urgent. Together, we are part of a nationwide movement dedicated to taking swift action to combat violence.
Join over half a million Canadians in ceremony and solidarity and make a powerful statement and unite with thousands across the country in our mission to end violence.
The Calgary walk starts at 8:30am at Local 87 Metis Nation of Alberta (1539 43rd St SE), leading all participants on a meaningful journey to Fuse 33 Makerspace (1720 Radisson Dr SE). There, join Elder Marilyn North Peigan for a blessing followed by live-streamed sessions and interactive workshops broadcast from Victoria, BC.
The walk is led by Drummers from the Blackfoot Confederacy Drumming Group.
Register at eventbrite.ca.
About the Moose Hide Campaign
The Moose Hide Campaign began as a BC-born Indigenous-led grassroots movement to engage men and boys in ending violence towards women and children. It has since grown into a nationwide movement of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians from local communities, First Nations, governments, schools, colleges and universities, police forces, and many other organizations – all committed to taking action to end this violence.
The campaign is grounded in Indigenous ceremony and traditional ways of learning and healing. A cornerstone of the Moose Hide Campaign is the moose hide pin. Wearing the pin signifies your commitment to honour, respect, and protect the women and children in your life and speak out against gender-based and domestic violence. To date, over four million moose hide pins have been distributed free of charge to communities, schools, and workplaces across Canada.
Learn more at moosehidecampaign.ca.